Lessons are listed on a google document. It is shared with each student at the beginning of the course. Google Classroom is used for half of all assignments.
Writing today:
11-12.W.1 Write routinelyover avarietyoftime frames for a range oftasks,purposes, andaudiences;applyreading standards tosupport analysis,reflection, andresearch by drawingevidence fromliterature andnonfictiontexts.
Write narrative compositions in a variety of formsthat– ● Engageand orient thereader by settingout aproblem,situation,orobservation anditssignificance,establishing oneormultiple point(s)ofview, andintroducing a narrator and/orcharacters. ● Createa smooth progressionof experiencesor events. ● Usenarrativetechniques, such as dialogue, pacing,description,reflection, andmultipleplot lines,todevelop experiences,events, and/or characters. ● Use avariety oftechniquestosequenceevents so that they build onone another to createacoherent wholeandbuild toward aparticulartone and outcome (e.g., a sense ofmystery,suspense,growth, or resolution). ● Use precisewordsand phrases, telling details,and sensory language toconveya vivid pictureoftheexperiences,events, setting, and/orcharacters. ● Provide anending that followsfromand reflectsonwhat isexperienced,observed,or resolvedoverthe courseofthe narrative. |
RL: 11-12.RL 3.1Evaluate and Analyze Author’s Choice
RL: 11-12.RL 3.2 Analyze difference between what is directly stated and what is intended
RL: 11-12.RL 4.2 Cultural Significance.
Big picture: Literature affects and is affected by history.
Objective: Student will be able to explain how literature affects history and/or history affects literature RL 3.1. Student will be able to explain allusion in Beowulf and how it influences/ changes religious focus RL3.2 and 4.2.
Beowulf section
Plan: Use an organizer to help find important information.
Cantos 1-8 Beowulf
Vocab. Canto, Kenning, Alliteration, Allusion, Figurative Language, Simile, Metaphor, Assonance, Personification, hyperbole, Caesura
Reintroduction of Beowulf- good introduction! 10 min.
Mr. Osborne - British Literature Unit Preview 1 - Anglo Saxons
Youtube video www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkZ6GvMlktY
Early English Aloud and Alive-
Beowulf segment.
Review Literary Vocab. Make flash cards from paper and practice. Flash card will have word on one side and definition on opposite. Flash card series two will have an example of each with a drawing on one side and the word on the opposite. Quiz next time. 20 minutes
Canto, Kenning, Alliteration, Allusion, Figurative Language, Simile, Metaphor, Assonance, Personification, hyperbole,
RL 3.2 and RL 4.2
Hero T T-chart 15-20 min.
Reading Canto 6- Canto 18
Canto 2-8 Wksh
Next time
· Wksh 23 Vocab.
· Wksh 24 Culture
· Wksh 25 Metaphor
· Wksh 26 POV and Characterization
Quiz over Literary vocabulary used in BeowulfAgenda Content goes here