Health and PE Department

Health education provides the opportunity for students to develop skills for daily living and prepare for their future. Efforts are directed to emphasize health as a value in life and to enhance critical thinking, decision-making, problem solving, and behavioral skills, and to motivates students to voluntarily take responsibility in protecting, maintaining, and improving their health and to help provide for the well-being of their community.

The Report of the Surgeon General on Physical Activity and Health indicates that Americans can substantially improve their health and quality of life by including moderate amounts of physical activity in their daily lives. The overall aim of Physical Education is to help students develop lifelong skills that include regular vigorous exercise and sport and recreational activities. The program seeks to assist individuals in assuming responsibility for their own health and well-being through an active lifestyle.

Schools are required to provide an appropriate physical education program at all grade levels when a student is unable to meet physical education course requirements. Adapted physical education relates specifically to students with special mental, physical, sensory, behavioral, or neurological needs. Adapted physical education should be offered in the least restrictive environment and is based on an individual assessment. Physical education can also be modified for students with sincerely held religious objections to the regular physical education program, as well as for short-term modifications due to illness or a temporary injury. Goals and objectives appropriate to the individual’s needs should be identified and used to evaluate student progress. It is recommended that all individuals responsible for the education of the child (counselor, teacher, administrator, parent, religious official, doctor, and so forth) be involved in the planning process whenever the course is modified or adapted.

Preparation for (or competition in) interscholastic competition, marching band, cheerleading, dance, dance troupes and other performing groups may not be counted for physical education credit

  • Current Health Issues
  • Elective Physical Education (Multiple Disciplines)
  • Health&Wellness Education
  • Physical Education I
  • Physical Education II

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