School Committees

School Improvement Steering Committee

Purpose: Organize and direct ongoing improvement.

Goal: Develop a professional learning community with a clear purpose , a collaborative school culture, and a focus on results; provide clarity, vision, and deadlines as needed to fulfill district, state, and national requirements; and inform and involve stakeholders in school improvement.

Chairs: Robin Cummings

Committee Members: Randy Fife, Steve Bush, all committee chairs(or their designees).

School Improvement Review Committee

Purpose: Read, approve, edit, and/or provide revision recommendations of our school improvement plan to the school improvement steering committee. (This includes the state reading and approving our school improvement plan, NCA reviewing our target goals and performance, and internal committees suggesting ongoing improvements, including required professional development, literature, conferences, etc.)

Goal: To evaluate and assess the progress and its effectiveness in terms of communication, format, timeliness, and overall staff implementation and development.

Chair: Rob Payne

Committee Members: Cindy Barnett, Robin Cummings, Shane Fallis, Erik Stangland
