Visitor Notice

We have made every reasonable attempt to insure that our web pages are educationally sound and do not contain links to any questionable material or anything that can be deemed in violation of the Seymour Community Schools' Acceptable Use Policy.

Although we provide links to outside entities or resources, we do not take responsibility for any material found on those servers outside of our corporation which are those not having the prefix in the location window of your web browser. We make every reasonable attempt to provide links to outside websites that are informative to our community and/or educationally sound for our students.

Please notify the Administration Office of any concerns.  Website Update: Report Form

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Nondiscrimination Statement

Seymour Community Schools are committed to equal opportunity and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, sex, handicapping conditions, or national origins including English proficiency, in any employment opportunity. No person is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to unlawful discrimination on such basis under any educational program of student activity.

If you have experienced discrimination in such educational programs or activities, written inquires about procedures that are available and for consideration of complaints alleging such discrimination should be directed to:

Director of Curriculum/Title IX Director/504 Director
Seymour Community Schools
1638 S. Walnut Street
Seymour, IN 47274
(812) 522-3340

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Two Hour Delay Schedule

Traditional Day Two Hour Delay

Block 1
Block 2 11:42-1:18

First lunch (11:42-12:12)


Second lunch (12:13-12:43)

Third lunch (12:43-1:18)


Block 3  1:23-2:24

Block 4  2:29-3:30

Power Hour Two Hour Delay

Block 1  10:30-11:30

Power Hour 11:30-12:30

Block 2  12:30-1:25
Block 3 1:30-2:25
Block 4 2:30-3:30

According to SHS Student Handbook 2017-18 pages 23-24.

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