
Agriculture Department

Agricultural Education provides students with a solid foundation of academic knowledge and ample opportunities to apply this knowledge through classroom activities, laboratory experiments and project applications, supervised agricultural experiences, and the FFA. The vision and mission of Agricultural Education is: that all people value and understand the vital role of agriculture, food, fiber, and natural resource systems in advancing personal and global wellbeing; and that students are prepared for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in agriculture.

The goals for Agricultural Science and Business students focus on providing learning experiences that will allow them to:
  • Demonstrate desirable work ethics and work habits.
  • Apply the basic agricultural competencies and the basic background knowledge in agriculture and related occupations.
  • Analyze entrepreneurial, business, and management skills needed by students preparing to enter agriculture and related occupations.
  • Expand leadership and participatory skills necessary for the development of productive and contributing citizens in our democratic society.
  • Gain effective social and interpersonal communication skills.
  • Be aware of career opportunities in agriculture and set career objectives.
  • Acquire job-seeking, employability, and job-retention skills.
  • Advance in a career through a program of continuing education and life-long learning.
  • Apply the basic learning skills in reading, writing, thinking, mathematics, communicating, listening, and studying.
  • Recognize the interaction of agriculture with governments and economic systems at the local, state, national, and international levels.
  • Recognize how new technologies impact agriculture and how agriculture impacts the environment.

It is important to understand and reaffirm that career-technical experiences do not preclude students from going on to higher education; in fact participation actually enhances the opportunity. A growing number of students are combining both college preparation and work-place experiences in their high school preparation. Agricultural Science and Business and the FFA programs have a long history of successfully preparing students for entry level careers and further education and training in the science, business and technology of agriculture. The programs combine classroom instruction and hands-on career focused learning to develop students’ potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success.

The FFA is the career and technical education student organization that is an integral part of the vocational program of instruction in agricultural education. The many activities of the FFA parallel the methodology of the instructional program and are directly related to the occupational goals and objectives. As an integral part of the instructional program, district and state level FFA activities provide students opportunities to demonstrate their proficiency in the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they have acquired through the agricultural science and agricultural business total program. Agricultural education students demonstrating a high degree of competence in state level FFA activities are highly encouraged to represent their local communities, districts, and state by participating in national FFA activities.

Instructional activities of the FFA require participation of the agricultural science and agriculture business education students as an integral part of an agricultural education course of instruction and, therefore, may be considered an appropriate use and amount of the allotted instructional time.

  • Agribusiness Management (Dual Credit)
  • Animal Science (Dual Credit)
  • Advanced Life Science: Animals (Purdue University Credit Examination)
  • Food Science (Dual Credit)
  • Advanced Life Science: Plants and Soils (Purdue Uniersity Credit Examination)
  • Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
  • Horticultural Science (Dual Credit)
  • Landscape Management (Dual Credit)
  • Natural Resource (Dual Credit)
  • Plant and Soil Science (Dual Credit)
  • Supervised Agricultural Experience

Alternative Education Department

As part of its commitment to all learners, Seymour Community Schools offers alternative learning designed to meet the needs of students best educated in a non-traditional setting. Successful program completion culminates in graduation from Seymour High School. The program's strengths include a small student base, community involvment, and customized curriculum.

Class size is limited to 15 students per teacher. This small student base minimizes challenges presented in larger classes and maximizes the opportunity for small group and one-on-one instruction. It also fosters a sense of belonging among students.

Community involvment is an important goal of alternative education. Involvment occurs through work and volunteer efforts within the community. Students also enjoy guest speakers and world-of-work opportunities.

Customized curriculum which empowers students to graduate is the chief goal of alternative programming. Options include flexible scheduling, computer-based instruction, credit for competency, and multidisciplinary classes. Students also have the ability for hands-on learning.  All curriculum is of rigor appropriate for the student and meets requirements set forth by the Indiana Department of Education.

Students who may benefit from alternative instruction are referred through the SHS guidance department. Students who qualify are invited to join the program and participate in the creation of an individual learning plan. Courses are delivered through individual, small group, and computer based instruction.

CORE HANDBOOK at JCLC developing student strength through

Community, Opportunity, Responsibility, and Education

Overview of CORE       

CORE is an optional Seymour High School program tailored to the needs of students who desire a high school diploma from a smaller-school setting.   CORE meets weekdays at the Jackson County Learning Center from 8:45 A.M. to 3:15 P.M. with some students leaving early at 11:15 A.M. to pursue C4, vocational credits, college credits, and/or take care of personal responsibilities.  Students work with two teachers and an aide Monday through Friday on NovaNET with optional evenings, extended Fridays, alternative texts, and/or use of the public library's NovaNET.  Enrichment activities are provided by the instructors and may include physical education or health-related curriculum, community awareness programs, vocational development, fine arts exposure, and more.  Instruction occurs in a minimum of two-hour blocks of time according to Individual Student Plans (ISP) written with the student, family, and CORE program designee.


  1. The students’ abilities, interests, and prior academic successes are used to develop educational plans.
  2. An emotionally healthy and physically safe environment is necessary for students to learn. 
  3. Inappropriate behavior can be modified.
  4. Adults associated with CORE serve as mentors, advisors, and/or help students recognize examples of resiliency.
  5. Involving students in their community will encourage them to be positive participants in the community.
  6. Alternative education is designed to meet the needs of students who are not succeeding in the traditional setting.
  7. Students are provided with a variety of options that can lead to graduation and are supported by services that are essential to academic, behavioral, career, and attendance success for the student and the immediate family.

Eligible Students are students who:

  • Intend to withdraw or have withdrawn from school before graduation.
  • Have failed to comply academically and would benefit from instruction offered in a manner different from the manner of instruction available in a traditional school.
  • Student is a parent or an expectant parent and is unable to regularly attend the traditional school program.
  • Student is employed and the employment is necessary for support and interferes with a part of student's instructional day.
  • Student is disruptive (as defined in IC 20-10.1-4.6-1.6).


Students may earn credits when they complete NovaNET coursework.  Students must demonstrate competency in a skill before moving on.  Credit is awarded with a letter grade equivalent to the percentage on assigned coursework, offline assignments, essays, optional projects, and/or alternative text work.  Students may also earn volunteer or work experience credits, vocational credits through C4, and/or early college credits through Ivy Tech.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact Joy Stuckwisch



CORE students are Seymour High School students who may participate in school events and are expected to adhere to the policies and consequences as outlined in Seymour High School’s handbook.  In addition, the following guidelines keep students safe, help our class function best, and make our program successful.


  1. Stay on task. Weekly academic goals are set for students to achieve. The progressive discipline plan addresses the need for all students to meet these goals.  Remember that you may be able to work while talking, but not everyone can do so. Respect those around you by working quietly. 
  2. Please use resources wisely. Internet bandwidth is for Nova Net or classroom work only.  Unapproved use of search engines to locate answers is considered cheating and will result in disciplinary measures. 
  3. Notify a teacher if you have been on a lesson for more than 20 minutes.  After a failure of any lesson, let a teacher know so that s/he can assist.  Please ask questions and notify a teacher if you feel that you are misunderstanding a lesson or need assistance.  Taking effective notes is essential to success in NovaNET.  Any failed mastery or post-test will require the student to show at least 1 ½ pages of notes before the test will be re-assigned; re-taking lessons may be necessary prior to re-assigning the test.  Mastery and post-tests must be taken at JCLC with the presence of a teacher.  Any test taken without teacher supervision may be re-assigned; repeated attempts outside of class will result in paper and pencil testing in addition to possible NovaNET account changes, grade changes, and scheduling changes.   
  4. Upon completion of a credit, please notify a teacher so that new curriculum can be assigned to you, complete a star with your name and the credit completed, participate in a credit counseling meeting with Mrs. Cummings, then tape your star on the back cabinet in room 105.
  5. Alternative texts may only be taken home with teacher permission, must return to class the next day, and must be graded upon return.  Homework is given only by student request and requires teacher permission.  Lost or damaged books may be charged to the student.


  1. Regular attendance is essential. Other students are waiting to join this program.  It is MANDATORY FOR ANY ABSENCE that a parent or guardian contact: 812-528-1175. Proof of services for tardiness or absences can reduce discipline measures in the progressive discipline plan.  Parents/guardians wanting a child to leave early, or for appointments, are required to come in to pick up the child.  In cases where a parent/guardian cannot enter the building for the child, JCLC may not allow the child to leave unless parent/guardian identity and permission can be verified.  Students who leave teacher-supervised areas without permission will need to contact parents before the student leaves the campus and must exit the campus for the day.
  2. Please be here by 8:45 A.M. each day. If you arrive after 8:45 A.M., for any reason, you are tardy.
  3. Please report directly to room 104 or 105 when you arrive. Breakfast will be served upon student arrival.
  4. Lunch is served by 11:15 A.M. in room 105.  Morning-only students exit the building immediately following the morning session or remain supervised with full-day students for lunch, programs, or bus pick-up and may only leave supervised areas with teacher permission.  Afternoon-only students wishing to eat lunch must arrive by 11:15 A.M. Afternoon-only students who do not eat lunch may not arrive until 12:15 and must begin by 12:30.
  5. Afternoon break is usually taken outside from 1:45-2:00 and is supervised. 
  6. We follow a one-out rule: only one student at a time may be out of the room for a drink or bathroom break per one session.  Sign in and out when leaving the room.  The restrooms and drinking fountain closest to the room are to be used.  Teacher permission is required to use vending machines or to go to other areas of JCLC. 
  7. Friday Incentive: On Thursday, students who meet academic goals, attend without tardiness, and have no discipline problems may have a pass signed by the teacher to be excused for that Friday only.   
  8. Friday-only, evening, and library access to NovaNET are available, but the teachers and students vary for these programs.  Please let us know if you have questions about these availabilities.   


  1. This is a drama free zone. This is the most important guideline in our classroom.  Poor attitudes, rude behavior, inappropriate confrontation, public displays of affection, sleeping, refusal to participate, unapproved technology usage, revealing or offensive apparel, and/or violation of rules must be addressed with a teacher or aide through the progressive discipline plan.
  2. Cell phones should be off and out of sight from 8:45-3:15 regardless of what session you attend.  Students needing to use a school or personal phone must receive permission prior to usage.
  3. Please ask before using the computer for anything other than NovaNET.  MP3 players, flash drives, CDs, and headsets may be used with teacher permission only.  You may not download or upload pictures, music, or video.  Management of playlists or other electronic media should be handled outside of class.  Displaying content related to sex, drugs, and violence may result in disciplinary actions; please report concerning content to the teacher.  IPODS and/or media that can connect to the internet are not allowed.


  1. CORE students are still students of SHS, should continue to consult SHS counselors regarding graduation requirements and student services, can apply for free/reduced assistance through SCSC, still complete state-required testing and SHS-approved coursework, walk in SHS graduation ceremonies, may still receive SHS discipline measures, may meet eligibility requirements to participate in IHSAA sports, may continue club memberships through SHS, etc.
  2. SHS administration may be notified and consulted regarding issues where Indiana and/or federal law applies such as (but not limited to) abusive language, bullying, controlled substances including (but not limited to) tobacco and lighters, endangering others, fighting, harassment, technology abuse, theft, threatening behavior, and/or truancy.  The response may include (but is not limited to): detention, Wednesday school, ISS, OSS, expulsion, police citations, and/or arrest.
  3. CORE students who park at SHS must obtain a parking pass to park in the student parking lot.
  4. The random drug testing policy as outlined in the student handbook does apply to CORE students.


  1. JCLC has campus policies that must be followed, and the personnel, property, and students of the campus must be treated with respect.  Use of JCLC computers without teacher supervision is prohibited.
  2. We are very thankful for our resources. Please respect the facility by cleaning up after yourself and by reporting any spills, damages, or problems immediately to a teacher or aide.
  3. Without facility lockers, exterior wear such as hats and jackets may be brought into the classroom; however, all other SHS dress code rules apply.  All items left in the classroom baskets should be of little value; you are responsible for your belongings, and neither JCLC nor SHS personnel can be held responsible for loss of your personal property.

Art Department

See Student Art 

2021-2022 Virtual Art Show

2020-2021 Virtual Art Show

In order to provide a quality education for every child in Indiana, it is important to provide for all aspects of human growth. The artistic, expressive, and cultural aspects of each child’s intellectual, emotional, physical, and social development are vital components of this growth. Research involving the impact of arts education upon mental functions supports the convictions of many educators, parents, and business leaders that the fine arts are essential due to their ability to provide students with the means to think, feel, and understand the world around them in unique ways. Literacy in the arts strengthens a person’s participation in society by enhancing problem solving and communication skills as well as fostering self-expression, aesthetic awareness, and multiple points of view. For these reasons, a curriculum in each of the fine arts should be available to all students so that they may become self-directed toward lifelong learning in the arts.

The purpose of each fine arts curriculum is to promote lifelong participation in the arts by developing skilled creators, performers, critics, listeners, and observers of the arts. Students can use the arts as a means of: (1) self-expression and communication, (2) development of critical thinking skills, (3) self-knowledge and understanding of the world around them, and, (4) increasing awareness of the artistic heritage of other cultures, as well as their own.

Students who are proficient in the fine arts grow in their ability to think and learn independently. Their view of the world expands as creative avenues to expression and understanding are developed. Ultimately, the entire community benefits through the creativity, vision, and empathy fostered in the fine arts. In order for this to happen, students must be immersed in opportunities to learn about the arts, perform and create in one or more of the art forms, and learn to analyze and critique the arts. The goals for students in grades kindergarten through grade twelve (k-12) are to enable each student to do the following:
  • develop one’s artistic skills;
  • become confident in one’s abilities in the arts;
  • become a creative problem solver;
  • appreciate the value of the arts;
  • communicate through the arts;
  • communicate about the arts;
  • exhibit knowledge of the historical and cultural diversity of the arts; and
  • exhibit knowledge of criticism and aesthetics in the arts.
  • Advanced 2-D Art
  • Advanced 3-D Art
  • Ceramics Digital Design
  • Digital Design
  • Introduction to 2-D Art
  • Introduction to 3-D Art
  • Painting
  • Theatre Arts
  • Visual Communications

Business Department

Business, Marketing, and Information Technology is a course of study to prepare students for learning and working in a global society by providing instruction in business experiences, education, and training. These experiences should incorporate a variety of instructional strategies such as the use of technology and practices that reflect current business procedures.

Business, Marketing and Information Technology courses cover a wide range of areas that are organized into a career pathway. It is the purpose of this course of study to provide:
  • Education for and about business, marketing, entrepreneurship and information technology.
  • Opportunities for students to learn business skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to pursue a career in business.
  • Students the opportunities to utilize emerging technologies.
  • Programs that will enhance a students’:
  • Intelligent socioeconomic decisions
  • Ability to produce and distribute goods and services
  • Career information with a goal of assisting students to relate their interests, needs and abilities with opportunities in the business, marketing, and informational technology areas.

  • Accounting I
  • Accounting II
  • Business Math
  • Career Planning/ Success Skills
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Digital Application and Responsibility1
  • Digital Application and Responsibility2
  • Information Communication Technology/ Dual Credit
  • Introduction to Business 1
  • Introduction to Business 2
  • Marketing/ Dual Credit
  • Personal Finanace
  • Preparing for College and Careers
  • Professional Career Internship/ Work Based Learning
  • Web Design - Our Final Project -- Come Join Us!


Conumer and Family Science Department

  • Child Development
  • Advanced Child Development
  • Advanced Nurtion and Wellness I
  • Advanced Nurtion and Wellness II
  • Advanced Nutrition and Foods
  • Introduction to Housing and Interior Design
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Nutrition and Wellness

Diploma Requirements

Engineering and Technology Department

The High School Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Program is a four year sequence of courses which, when combined with traditional mathematics and science courses in high school, introduces students to the scope, rigor and discipline of engineering prior to entering college. However, those not intending to pursue further formal education will benefit greatly from the knowledge and logical thought processes that result from taking some or all of the courses provided in the curriculum. National PLTW Brochure

Video PLTW
 Pre-Engineering Courses PLTW BrochureIntroduction to Engineering (Freshman Elective)

  • Principles of Engineering-PLTW (Dual Credit)
  • Introduction to Engineering Design-PLTW (Dual Credit)
  • Digital Electronics-PLTW (Dual Credit)
  • Civil Engineering/Architecture-PLTW (Dual Credit)
  • Engineering Design and Development-PLTW
  • Introduction to Construction
  • Introduction to Transportation
  • Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing & Logistics (Dual Credit)
  • Advance Manufacturing and Logistics
  • Precision Machining
  • Computers in Design and Production

Are students ready for the technological and engineered world? This question is more important today than ever before. As most kids play with technology, a central question that occurs is do they know what they can DO with it? Technology Education is the answer. Students who study technology apply problem-based learning that integrates (STEM) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Technology CoursesAdvanced Machines
  • Communication Systems
  • Construction Systems
  • Construction Processes
  • Machining Fundamentals
  • Manufacturing Systems  Manufacturing Lab Overview (Freshman Elective)
  • Manufacturing Processes
  • Transportation Systems

Contact Instructors :
Mr. Kelly
Mr. Money 

Mr. Wischmeier

Web Resources & References:

Dual Credit Opportunities for Engineering & Technology

Indiana Department of Education

Project Lead the Way

Jackson County Industrial Development

Manufacturing is Cool


Dream It Do It

English Department

English Department

A balance of reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, literature, and media studies are the most important academic functions in every area of learning—not just as individual subject areas.

The goal of the study of literature is to provide students with frequent and continual opportunities to: (1) learn and apply essential skills in reading and writing; (2) read widely to build a better understanding of various types of texts, genres, and cultures of our country and those in other parts of the world; (3) read well; (4) acquire new information that will assist in responding to the needs of the workplace and society as a whole; and (5) make reading a lifelong pursuit. Literature courses provide students with opportunities to respond to literature critically, reflectively, and imaginatively both in writing and speaking and to develop concepts and strategies for making independent critical evaluations of literature. These types of courses enhance students’ awareness of various cultures and develop a sense of identity. Literature courses emphasize reading for pleasure and expose students to reading materials available in school media centers and public libraries.

The goal of composition is to provide students with frequent and continual opportunities to learn and apply essential skills in writing, using a process that includes: (1) prewriting, (2) drafting, (3) revising, (4) editing, and (5) producing a final, corrected product. Strategies should include evaluating and responding to the writing of others. In addition to instruction in creating clear, coherent, and organized paragraphs and multi-paragraph essays for a variety of audiences and purposes, the courses teach strategies for collecting and transforming data for use in writing as well as teach criteria to use in the evaluation and revision of various types of writing. Instruction in grammar, usage, and mechanics is integrated with writing instruction so that students develop a common language for discussion. All writing in its final publication form follows accepted conventions of language, style, mechanics, and format.

The State Board of Education requires eight credits in English for graduation from Indiana High Schools. The rules further specify that the high school English programs should provide a balance of: (1) writing, (2) reading, (3) listening, (4) speaking, (5) grammar, (6) literature, and (7) media studies. Balance may be achieved by integrating each area into English 9, English 10, English 11, and English 12; or through a balanced selection of English courses from among the categories of literature, composition, and speech; or through a combination of approaches.

  • AP English Literature and Composition
  • AP English Language and Compostition
  • English 9 Accelerated
  • English 10 Accelerated
  • English 9
  • English 10
  • English 11
  • English 12
  • Film Literature
  • Speech
  • Student Pub: Newspaper
  • Student Pub: Yearbook
To view the English courses offered at SHS, checkout the moodle web site at: ENGLISH


Foreign Language Department

The Foreign Language Department’s mission is to provide an instructional program that teaches students the skills to explore and accept different languages and cultures, to use what they learn to understand their own language and culture, and to become active world citizens.
  • French I
  • French II
  • French III
  • French IV
  • German I
  • German II
  • German III
  • German IV
  • Latin I
  • Latin II
  • Latin III
  • Latin IV
  • Spanish I
  • Spanish II
  • Spanish III
  • Spanish IV

Health and PE Department

Health education provides the opportunity for students to develop skills for daily living and prepare for their future. Efforts are directed to emphasize health as a value in life and to enhance critical thinking, decision-making, problem solving, and behavioral skills, and to motivates students to voluntarily take responsibility in protecting, maintaining, and improving their health and to help provide for the well-being of their community.

The Report of the Surgeon General on Physical Activity and Health indicates that Americans can substantially improve their health and quality of life by including moderate amounts of physical activity in their daily lives. The overall aim of Physical Education is to help students develop lifelong skills that include regular vigorous exercise and sport and recreational activities. The program seeks to assist individuals in assuming responsibility for their own health and well-being through an active lifestyle.

Schools are required to provide an appropriate physical education program at all grade levels when a student is unable to meet physical education course requirements. Adapted physical education relates specifically to students with special mental, physical, sensory, behavioral, or neurological needs. Adapted physical education should be offered in the least restrictive environment and is based on an individual assessment. Physical education can also be modified for students with sincerely held religious objections to the regular physical education program, as well as for short-term modifications due to illness or a temporary injury. Goals and objectives appropriate to the individual’s needs should be identified and used to evaluate student progress. It is recommended that all individuals responsible for the education of the child (counselor, teacher, administrator, parent, religious official, doctor, and so forth) be involved in the planning process whenever the course is modified or adapted.

Preparation for (or competition in) interscholastic competition, marching band, cheerleading, dance, dance troupes and other performing groups may not be counted for physical education credit

  • Current Health Issues
  • Elective Physical Education (Multiple Disciplines)
  • Health&Wellness Education
  • Physical Education I
  • Physical Education II

Math Department

In April of 2014, the Indiana State Board of Education approved the adoption of new standards for Mathematics.  The 2014 Indiana Academic Standards for Mathematics are the result of a process designed to identify, evaluate, synthesize, and create the most high-quality, rigorous standards for Indiana students. The standards are designed to ensure that Indiana students are prepared to enter and successfully complete postsecondary education, and that they are prepared for long-term, economically-viable career opportunities.  You may find more information at

Both the Core 40 Diploma and the Academic Honors Diploma requires students to complete Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry.

The Core 40 Diploma requires students to earn at least six mathematics credits in high school.
The Academic Honors Diploma requires students to earn eight mathematics credits; if Algebra I is taken in middle school, however, only six mathematics credits are required for the Academic Honors Diploma.

  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II/ACC Algebra II
  • Algebra Lab
  • Business Math
  • AP Calculus (Dual Credit option)
  • Finite Math (Dual Credit option)
  • Geometry/ACC Geometry
  • Integrated Mathematics
  • Mathematics Lab
  • Honors Pre-Calculus  (Dual Credit option)
  • AP Statistics
  • Trigonometry
Graphing Calculator Option: Online, Android Option: Algeo Graphing, iPod or iPhone Option: 115-in-1 Math  or Quadratic Master
Scientific Calculator Option: Online, Android Option: _____ , iPod or iPhone Option: _____

Media Center


 IMG 20190820 084758  SCAN
 Director of Media Services: 
  • Mrs. Jill Prange, Library Media Specialist
Visit Sora/Overdrive to search online collection.

Library Card Number: Two digit graduation year, last name, first name
Example : 16owlsammy

Password: lunch code + 000
 Library Aide
  • Mrs. Malia Rose
Visit: Surpass Cloud to search for the physical books
in Seymour High School's Library 
Library Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:50 p.m. Library News  
(click to read more)






Multidisciplinary Courses

Multidisciplinary courses are general course offerings that are not included in the sequence of study of one department or discipline. Credits earned in a multidisciplinary courses may be used to fulfill elective requirements for graduation from high school.

  • Cadet Teaching
  • Peer Tutoring

Music / Band Orchestra

Click and drag to videw in 360 video


  • Music History and Appreciation
  • Music Theory and Composition
  • Advanced Concert Band
  • Beginning Concert Band
  • Intermediate Concert Band
  • Jazz Ensemble
  • Advanced Chorus
  • Advanced Chorus: Madrigals
  • Advanced Chorus: Show Choir
  • Applied Music: Vocal
  • Beginning Chorus
  • Intermediate Chorus
SHS Chroal Department

Seymour Band Boosters Web Site

Music / Choral

Seymour High School Choral Department 


Our 2021 Musical is...Mary Poppins!

Mary Poppins

 It will take place May 13, 14, and 15 at 7:00pm as well as a special Sunday matineeon May 16 at 2pm. All shows will be in the Earl D. Prout Auditorium at SHS. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Tickets can be purchased right now online at

Only a limited number of tickets are available. 
Mary Poppins features the music of the 1964 classic film including: A Spoonful of Sugar, Supercalifragilistic, Step in Time, Practically Perfect, Down the Chimney and many more. 


Come and support our student-musicians and theater artists in what is sure to be an amazing show! You do not want to miss this one! 

2018 best music program

Science Department

In 2000, Indiana established Academic Standards in science to outline what students should know and be able to do at each grade level and are based upon Benchmarks for Science Literacy, from Project 2061 of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Throughout their school years, all students - not just those with scientific careers in mind - should be gaining knowledge and skills in science and math to prepare them to live in a world increasingly shaped by science and technology.

Indiana’s Academic Standards for each high school science course contain two Standards, a general content Standard and historical perspectives Standard. Concepts and skills listed underneath each Standard build the framework for each course. In addition, integrating four supporting themes from the Kindergarten through Grade 8 Standards enables students to understand that science, mathematics, and technology are interdependent human enterprises, and that scientific knowledge and scientific thinking serve both individual and community purposes. The four supporting themes are: The Nature of Science and Technology, Scientific Thinking, The Mathematical World, and Common Themes.

All approved high school science courses are laboratory courses and must be taught as laboratory courses. A laboratory course, as defined in 511 IAC 6.1-1-2, is one in which a minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the total instructional time is devoted to laboratory investigations. Laboratory investigations are defined as those activities in which the pupil, both individually and in a group setting, follows appropriate and safe laboratory procedures using standard scientific equipment.

The Rules of the State Board of Education require four (4) credits in science for graduation. The rules further specify that these credits shall include content from more than one of the following three (3) major science discipline categories: Life Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences, and Physical Sciences.

  • Accelerated Chemistry
  • AP Biology (Dual Credit)
  • Anatomy/Physiology (Dual Credit)
  • AP Chemistry (Dual Credit)
  • Biology I/Accelerated Biology I
  • Chemistry
  • Earth and Space Science
  • AP Environmental Science
  • Honors Chemistry
  • Integrated Chemistry-Physics
  • AP Physics
  • Advanced Organic Chemistry 
  • Advanced Earth/Space Science

Social Studies Department

Social studies provides opportunities that develop knowledge and skills which enable students to grow in: (1) personal and civic responsibility; (2) perspectives that allow students to see themselves as a part of a larger human experience; (3) critical understanding of history, geography, economics, political and social institutions, traditions and civic virtues in America and the world; and (4) thinking analytically and applying the concepts learned.

The fundamental purpose of social studies is to provide preparation and practice for active, lifelong citizenship. Active citizenship in a democratic society requires the development of skills for thinking, decision making, and participation. Citizens of all ages make decisions that affect themselves, their families, their communities, the nation, and the world. The goal of social studies education is to help students develop the ability to make well-informed, well-reasoned decisions and to act responsibly. Well-reasoned decision making and responsible actions are based upon the skills of acquiring, evaluating, and using information for the purpose of: (1) identifying alternative courses of action, (2) predicting their possible consequences, and (3) selecting the best alternative.

Minimum graduation requirements for Social Studies include:
(1) two credits in United States History,
(2) one credit in United States Government, and
(3) one additional social studies course related to citizenship.

The Core 40 curriculum and the Academic Honors diploma requires six credits distributed as follows:
(1) two credits of United States History,
(2) one credit of United States Government,
(3) one credit in the area of economics,
(4) two credits in the areas of world history or world geography.

The world history and world geography component may be met by at least one semester of World History or at least one semester of World Geography. Additional Indiana State Board of Education-approved course titles for social studies may be selected to count as electives toward the total of forty (40) credits required for Core 40 and toward the total of forty-seven (47) credits required for the Academic Honors Diploma.

  • AP US Government and Politics
  • AP World History
  • AP US History (Dual Credit)
  • Economics
  • Geography and History of the World
  • Honors World History
  • Pyschology
  • Sociology
  • US Government
  • US History

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