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le 24 mars
due: Worksheet P.C. with Reflexive Verbs
le 30 mars
Due: cahier pg 59, Livre pg 177 ex 34
le 1 avril
Due: Cartes Illustrés 6.1
le 5 avril
Due: cahier pg 61, 62
le 7 avril
Due: cahier pg 63. 64

Ok mes cheres, I tell all my subs that I have the best students in the building so….

  1. Save workbook pgs for the next time.

  2. In the textbook, pg 198 ex 6, pg 199 ex 7 (write it all out AND translate to English) ex 8. NO PARTNERS!

  3. Go to Quia. Please log into the games and quiz.  I can see stats/scores. (I’ll leave log-in info with sub)

The bottom 4 activities are new.  

Play each.

Save the Quiz for last. You may take it twice.

4.  Any extra time, feel free to listen to France 24 live on my advanced French page, play on quizlet, or work on other assignments.  DO OPTIONAL DRILLS!

le 13 avril
Quiz: vocab 6.1
Due : worksheet

le 15 avril
Due: Show/Tell Project and Battleship sentences.

1.  apportez 5 objets d'enfance.
2.  Discutez les 5 objets au Passé ( imparfait)
3.  Demandez/Repondez aux questions.
   a.  10 pts objets
   b.  10 pronunciation
   c.  10 l'usage : imparfait
   d.  10 Demande/Reponds Questions
le 19 avril
Pd  5, 7 : running the final exam schedule FYI
Cartes 6.2 et cahier pg 65
le 21 avril
Normal schedule today
pd 8 Cartes 6.2 et cahier pg 65 due

Pd 5 Worksheet P.C./IMP
le 25 avril
PC vs Imparfait worksheet (pd 8)
le 27 avril
both pd 5 and 7 Due: worksheet P.C. vs Imparfait (camping)
le 29 avril
Quiz: Passé Composé vs Imparfait
le 3 mai
vocab quiz 6.2
le 5 mai
Due: Cahier pg 70, Livre pg 211 ex 29
le 9 mai
due : cahier pg 71,72
review for chap 6 exam
le 11 mai
Examen Chap 6
le 13 mai
due Cartes 7.1

1. Vocab Flash Cards are due.  Write down the name of any student that does not have them finished.  They will need to do a drill while the rest with cards practice with each other.

2. 10 mins.  Students partner up to drill with cards if they have them.

3. Change partners.  They exchange cards and play War.  (they have done this many times before) 10-15 mins.

4. With cards only, the students need to divide cards into at least 4 categories and separate words.  Those without cards will need to use book.   They have done this before.

5 After turning in categories, they will go to my webpage and click on the chap 7 vocab quizlet activity.

le 16 mai
Due Cahier pg 73 et 76

Weather permitting: outside, pétanque
le 18 mai
Honor Day
All missing/late assignments and OPTIONALs are due Today.
le 20 mai
Final exam pd 5: chapitres 4.5.6

le 24 mai
Final Exam pd 8 :  chapitres 4,5,6