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Weekly Agenda


Its Tues. Aug.  9 - Very excited to see you this Wednesday and Thursday!  Most of the stuff we'll do the first couple of days is here.  Things like the syllabus, standards, Ch. 1 notes, etc...so check'em out.  - Dr.r. 


Anatomy and Physiology

Its Tues. Aug.  9 - Very excited to see you this Wednesday and Thursday!  Most of the stuff we'll do the first couple of days is here.  Things like the syllabus, standards, Ch. 1 notes, etc...so check'em out.  - Dr.r. 


  Hope you're having a great day.  Some new business for us - the instructions on how to access the online materials will be posted at the top of the list below.  Its called "Mastering Registration".  You'll be able to create your account soon so you can access HW assignments and laboratory simulations/experiments.  We'll go through this in class if you have issues or haven't checked in.  We also have to start thinking about getting you registered as an Ivy Tech student to receive the college credit this class affords you.  

 Its Friday 8/26, here's what's new - Couple reminders - online HW is due tonight at midnight.  Significant point reductions will occur for lateness.  Chs. 1 & 2 test scheduled for Mon 8/29.  Email me any questions, I'll check in several times this weekend.  


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