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Welcome to the 1st semester of Business Math, 2015-2016! 

Business Math 1st Semester 2015-2016
Chapter Two

Friday, Aug. 28 (P) & Monday, Aug. 31 (W)
White day Monday took the chapter one test because Thursday Seniors had a meeting during block 2, not enough time to take test. So....

We completed Chapter One's & Chapter Two's definitions and started lesson 2.1.

Tuesday, Sept. 1 (P) & Wednesday, Sept. 2 (W)   
Section 2.1  
We will work with deductions from Gross Pay to find Net Pay.
We will calculate the amount of social security & medicare deductions.

in Workbook Lesson 2.1  ALL
                       Problems (pg. 13 & 14)   

Thursday, Sept. 3 & Friday, Sept. 4 (W)  
Section 2.2 
We will discuss and compare Job Benefits and Expenses

Assignment:  In Workbook,  Lesson 2.2 
                        ALL Problems (pg 15 & 16) 

Labor Day Weekend  
Monday, Sept. 7
    NO School    ENJOY the Break!

Tuesday, Sept. 8 (P) & Wednesday, Sept. 9 (W) 
Section 2.3  Calculating adjusted gross income, taxable income, income tax due and income tax refund for single dependents.
Assignment:  In Workbook,  Lesson 2.3
                       ALL Problems (pg 17 - 19) 

Thursday, Sept. 10 (P) & Friday, Sept. 11  (W)
Section 2.3 Continued work on income tax refund for single dependents.
Assignment:  Finish In Workbook,  Lesson 2.3
                        ALL Problems (pg 17 - 19) 

Monday, Sept. 14 (P) & Tuesday, Sept. 15 (W) 
Section 2.5  
Learning how to keep a cash receipts record and a columnar cash payments record.
Assignment:  In Workbook,  lesson 2.5 
                         (pgs. 21-22) #1-6 All

Wednesday, Sept. 16 (P) & Thursday, Sept. 17  (W)
Section 2.4  
We will calculate State and City income taxes using a flat tax rate and graduated tax rate table.
Assignment:  In Workbook,  Lesson 2.4  (pg. 20)

Friday, Sept. 18 (P) & Monday, Sept. 21 (W)
Section 2.6 
Preparing a Budget
Assignment:   In Workbook,  lesson 2.6
                          (pgs. 23 - 25)

Tuesday, Sept. 22 (P) & Wednesday, Sept. 23  (W)
  Review for chapter 2 test.
In workbook page 26 "Term Puzzler"
In Text book page 74  #1 - 8
            and page 79  #10 - 20

Thursday, Sept. 24 (P) & Friday, Sept. 25 (W)
Check any remaining Review problems for chapter 2 test, taking care of all questions.  Then....in workbook pgs. 27 - 28, Integrated Project 2

Monday, Sept. 28 (P) & Tuesday, Sept. 29  (W)
Chapter 2 TEST Today
Notes on Chapter 3

Chapter Three

Thursday, Oct. 1  (W)
Worked on make-up and Completed Chapter 3's vocabulary.

Friday, Oct. 2   NO School.....Octoberfest

Monday, Oct. 5 (P) & Tuesday, Oct. 6 (W)
Lesson 3.1 Checking Accounts
You will prepare a deposit slip and record entries in a check register.
Assignment:  In Workbook, lesson 3.1 pgs.29-30.

Wednesday, Oct. 7 (P) & Thursday, Oct. 8 (W)
Lesson 3.2  Electronic Banking
You will record electronic banking transactions.  And you will find account balance when banking electronically.
Assignment:  In Workbook lesson 3.2, pg. 31 #1-5

Friday, Oct. 9 (P) & Monday, Oct. 12 (W)
Lesson 3.3  Online Banking
You will calculate account balance needed to make online payments.
Assignment:  In Workbook lesson 3.3, pg. 32 #1-4

Tuesday, Oct. 13 (P) & Wednesday, Oct. 14 (W)
Lesson 3.4  Check Register Reconciliation
You will reconcile a Bank Statement and check register to correct any entry so both accounts agree on the same amount of money.
Assignment:  In Workbook lesson 3.4, pgs. 33-34  #1-4

Thursday, Oct. 15  &  Friday, Oct. 16
Fall Break ..... NO School

Monday, Oct. 19 (P) & Tuesday, Oct. 20 (W)
Lesson 3.5 Other Reconciliation Problems
You will reconcile a checking account with outstanding transactions and other errors.
Assignment:  In Workbook lesson 3.5, pgs. 35-36 #1-2

Wednesday, Oct. 21 (P) & Thursday, Oct. 22 (W)
Lesson 3.6  Simple and Compound Interest
You will calculate simple interest on savings deposits, compound interest on savings deposits, and interest using a compound interest table.
Assignment:  Lesson 3.6 in workbook, pgs. 37-38  #1 - 9

Friday, Oct. 23 (P) & Monday, Oct. 26 (W)
rest of Lesson 3.6  compound interest with multiplier
Assignment:  Lesson 3.6 in workbook #10 - 18  AND pg 41 Term Puzzler

Tuesday, Oct. 27 (P) & Wednesday, Oct. 28 (W)
Lesson 3.7 Money Market and CD Accounts
You will calculate interest earned on special savings accounts and the penalty for early withdrawals from CD accounts.  You will compare the interest earned on savings accounts and calculate the effective rate of interest.
Assignment:  In Workbook: Lesson 3.7 pgs.39-40 #1-16  

Thursday, Oct. 29 (P) & Friday, Oct. 30 (W)
Review problems for chapter 3 Test
Assignment:  In Text book:  Pg. 124-125 #1-20

Monday, Nov. 2 (P) & Tuesday, Nov. 3 (W)
Test Chapter 3
Fill in chapter 4 notes

Business Math Chapter 4

Tuesday, Nov. 10 & Wednesday, Nov. 11 (w)
Lesson 4.1 Promissory Notes
Calculating interest on interst-bearing notes.
Calculating using exact and ordinary interest method.  And
Calculating rate of interest
Assignment:  Wkbk pg. 46 - 48 #1-3, 4-36 even.

Thursday, Nov. 12 & Friday, Nov. 13 (W)
Lesson 4.2  Discounted Promissory Notes.
Calculating their interest and proceeds and the TRUE rate of interest.
Assignment:  Wkbk pg. 49 #1-5 ALL

Monday, Nov. 16 & Tuesday, Nov. 17 (W) Lesson 4.3  Interest Tables
We will be calculating interest using simple interest tables.
Finding the due date of a note.
Finding the number of days between dates.
Assignment:  Wkbk Pgs. 50-52  #1-35 odd

Wednesday, Nov. 18 & Thursday, Nov. 19 (W)
Lesson 4.4  Installment Loans
1.  the installment price/finance charges on an installment plan purchase.
2.  the number and amount of monthly payments.
3.  the interest, principal payment, and new balance on an installment loan.
Assignment:  Wkbk pg 53-54  #1-14

Friday, Nov. 20 (P) & Monday, Nov. 23  (W)
Lesson 4.5  You will calculate the finance changes on Rule of 78 loans.  And you will figure the early loan repayment amounts.
Assignment:  Wkbk pg. 55 #1-9

Tuesday, Nov. 24 (P) & Monday, Nov. 30 (W)
Lesson 4.6  We will figure the APR (Annual Percentage Rate) on a loan.
Assignment:  Wkbk pg. 56 & 57  #1-10

Wednesday, Nov. 27 to Friday, Nov. 29
Thanksgiving Vacation... NO School!    ENJOY!

Tuesday, Dec. 1 (P) & Wednesday, Dec. 2 (W)
Lesson 4.7  Credit Card Costs.  We will identify important information found on credit card statements.  We will verify transactions on the statements and calculate the cost of using a credit card.
Assignment:   Wkbk  pgs.  58 - 59 #1-10

Thursday, Dec. 3 (P) & Friday, Dec. 4 (W)
Lesson 4.8  We will use previous balance method and Adjusted balance method to calculate credit card finance charges.
Assignment:  Wkbk pg. 60-61 #1-4, 7, 8

Monday, Dec. 7 & Tuesday, Dec. 8 (W)
Review problems for chapter 4 test.
Classwork:  In Text pg, 180 vocab. #1-8.  Pg. 185 #11-20

Wednesday, Dec. 9 & Thursday, Dec. 10 (W)
Test on chapter 4
Assignment:  Wkbk pg. 62 Term Puzzler

First Semester Final Exam

Friday, Dec. 11 (P) & Monday, Dec. 14 (W)
Review for 1st semester's final exam

Tuesday, Dec. 15 (P)
Block 1/2,  Period 1  Study & Final Exam
Block 3/4, Period 3  Study & Final Exam 

Wednesday, Dec. 16 (W)
Block 1/2,  Period 5  Study & Final Exam
Block 3/4,  Period 7  Study & Final Exam

Thursday, Dec. 17 (P)
Block 1/2,  Period 2  Study & Final Exam Business Math
Block 3/4,  Period 4  Study & Final Exam

Friday, Dec. 18 (W)
Block 1/2,  Period 6  Study & Final Exam Business Math
Block 3/4,  Period 8  Study & Final Exam

Saturday, Dec. 19 through Monday, Jan. 4
Christmas and Winter Break!
Enjoy the time off!  See you next year, 2016!

Semeter one's Review for final exam

I have attached the answers for the semester one's final exam. 

Chapter 5

Tuesday Jan. 5 (P) & Wednesday Jan 6 (W)    
Lesson 5.1 
We will calculate City and State sales taxes. 
We will calculate the total price on purchases that are taxed and some items that are not taxable.
Assignment:  In Workbook, Lesson 5.1 Page 67 #1 & 2.

Thursday, Jan. 7 (P) & Friday, Jan. 8 (W)  
Lesson 5.2 
We will calculate the total cost when purchasing more than one of an item, extensions.
We will calculate the total on the sales slip.
Assignment:  In Workbook, lesson 5.2  Pages 68 & 69 #1-4

Monday, Jan 11, Snow/Ice day.  No School
Tuesday, Jan 12   2-hr delay.

Tuesday, Jan 12 (W) & Wednes
day, Jan 13 (P)  
Lesson 5.3 
We calculate and compare unit prices. 
Then we will calculate the unit price when given a price for purchasing more than one of the same item.
Assignment:  In Workbook, lesson 5.3 page 70 #1-4

Thursday, Jan 14 (W) & Fri
day, Jan 15 (P) 
Lesson 5.4
We will compare prices of sales at different stores and in different amounts. 
We will compare the cost of rental options.
We will compare the cost of renting vs. buying.
Assignment:  In Workbook, lesson 5.4 pages 71 & 72  #1-10

       (2-hr delay for Mon. & Tues.)
    (Reviewing Lesson 5.3 and 5.4)

Monday, Jan 18 (W) & Tues
day, Jan 19 (P)
Lesson 5.5
We will calculate and compare the costs of connecting to the internet.
We will calculate and compare the speeds on online connections.
Assignment:  In Workbook, lesson 5.5 page 73 #1 - 4

Wednesday, Jan 20 (W) All Day, Snow Day

Thursday, Jan 21 (P) & Friday, Jan 22 (W)
We will continue & finish lesson 5.5.  Plus review work.

In Workbook, lesson 5.5 page 73 #1 - 4   &  Pg. 74 Term Puzzler
Regular book page 214 do #1 - 10 vocab and page 219 #11-20 All. 

day, Jan 25 (P) & Tuesday, Jan 26 (W)

We will finish checking regular book work pages 214 & 219 and in workbook page 74 the term puzzler  
THEN  Take chapter 5 TEST on Wednesday & Thursday

day, Jan 27 (P) & Thursday, Jan 28 (W)
Chapter 5 TEST
Then Start Lesson 6.1

Chapter 6

Friday, Jan. 29 (P) & Monday, Feb. 1 (W)
Tuesday, Feb. 2 (P) & Wednesday, Feb. 3 (W)

Lesson 6.1   
Calculating the down payment, closing costs, and mortgage loan amount.
Calculating the total interest cost of a mortgage loan.
calculating the savings from refinancing mortgages.
Assignment:  In Workbook lesson 6.1  pages 77 & 78 #1-10

Monday, Feb. 8 (P) & Tuesday, Feb. 9 (W)  
Lesson 6.2 
Calculating the costs of home ownership
Calculating the cost of renting a home or apartment.
Calculating the costs of renting vs. owning.
Assignment:  In Workbook  Lesson 6.2, pages 79 & 80 #1-9

Friday, Feb. 12 (P) & Tuesday, Feb. 16 (W)   
Lesson 6.3
Calculating the decimal tax rate.
Calculating property taxes for tax rates per $100 or $1,000.
Calculating property taxes for tax rates in mills or cents per $1.
Assignment:  In Workbook lesson 6.3, pages 81 & 82 #1-8

Wednesday, Feb. 19 (P) & Thursday, Feb. 22 W)  
Lesson 6.4
Calculating property insurance premiums for homeowners.
Calculating property insurance premiums for renters.
Calculating how much can be collected on insurance claims.
No Assignment

Friday/Monday, Feb, 12/15 (P) & Tuesday, Feb. 16 (W)
Make-up Snow Day (Monday, Feb. 15)
Complete and grade Lesson 6.4
IN Class Assignment:  In Workbook lesson 6.4, pages 83 & 84 #1-11

Wednesday, Feb. 17 (P) & Thursday, Feb. 18 (W)  
Lesson 6.5
Calculating the MSRP for a new car, including optional equipment
Calculating the delivered price and the balance due for new car.
Calculating the delivered price and the balance due for used car.
Assignment:  In Workbook lesson 6.5, page 85  #1-5

Friday, Feb. 19 (P) & Monday, Feb. 22 (W)  
Lesson 6.6
Calculating average annual depreciation on a car.
Calculating the rate of depreciation.
Assignment:   In Workbook lesson 6.6, page 86 #1-5 and page 91 theTerm Puzzler 

Tuesday, Feb. 23 (P) & Wednesday, Feb. 24 (W)  
Lesson 6.7
Calculating car insurance premiums
Assignment:  In Workbook lesson 6.7, page 87 & 88  #1-6

Thursday, Feb. 25 (P) & Friday, Feb 26 (W)  
Lesson 6.8
Calculate the total amount paid and the finance charge for installment loan car purchase.
Calculate the cost of leasing cars
Compare the costs of leasing and buying cars.
Calculate the cost of operating cars.
Assignment:   In Workbook lesson 6.8, pages 89 & 90  #1-10

Monday, Feb. 29 (P) & Tuesday, March 1 (W)
Finish checking lesson 6.8
Assignment:  In Text book pg. 271 #1-10 & pg. 277 #11-19.
In Workbook, pg. 91 Term Puzzler

Wednesday, March 2 (P) & Thursday, March 3 (W)
The first half-an-hour review
then take
Chapter 6 Test.

Chapter 7

Wednesday, March 23 (P) & Thursday, March 24 (W)  AND
Monday March 28 (P) & Wednesday, March 29 (W)
Lesson 7.1 Life Insurance
Discussion with Life Insurance and impact on life in general.
The students will be calculating life insurance premiums,
calculating the net cost of life insurance, and
calculating the cash and loan values of a life insurance policy.
Assignment:  In Workbook, pg. 95-96, lesson 7.1  #1 - 8

Tuesday, March 29 (P) & Friday, April1 (W)
Lesson 7.2 Health Insurance
We will calculate health insurance premiums, and
calculating health insurance benefits and coinsurance.
Assignment:   In Workbook, pg. 97, lesson 7.2  # 1 - 5

Thursday, March 31 (P) & Monday, April 4 (W)
Lesson 7.3 Disability Insurance
We will be calculating disability insurance benefits.
Assignment:   In Workbook, pg. 98, lesson 7.3 # 1 - 4 

Monday,    (P) & Tuesday,   (W)
Lesson 7.4 Buying Bonds
We will calculate the market price of bonds and
calculate the total investment in bonds.
Assignment:  In workbook, pg. 99, Lesson 7.4  # 1 - 9

Wednesday,   (P) & Thursday,     (W)
Lesson 7.5
  Bond Interest
Calculating bond income
Calculating bond yield
Calculating total cost of bonds
Assignment:  In Workbook, pg. 100 & 101,  lesson 7.5 # 1 - 15  

Friday,   (P) & Monday,    (W)
Review for lesson 7.1 to 7.5 Quest
Pgs. 337-338, vocabulary #1-8 and Problems #13-26.
We will check in the last 20 minutes of class.

Tuesday,   (P) & Wednesday,   (W)
Final questions for lessons 7.1 to 7.5
Then take Quest.

We will do Budgeting worksheets   The worksheets will include taking taxes, medical insurance, various deductions to figure net wages.  The worksheets will also cover finding the percentage used of their family budget for basic items in everyone's life.
Assignment:  A reading page, 3 budgeting worksheets.

On computer to find a job salary and any benefits to start our budgeting section.  Then take chapter 7's notes for lessons 7.1 to 7.5.

Circle Graph of Monthly Budget

Monday, April 25...........Complete own Budget & evaluating it.

Tuesday, April 26  And Wednesday, April 27......David Moore from John Moore Insurance Agency is our community contact for your insurance needs from your search on apartment or house and vehicle.

Thursday, April 28 and Friday, April 29.....Any wrap up with own budget, Pie chart of budget percent, any questions.  Book budget Wksts and book work on 7.1 to 7.4

Monday, May 2 and Tuesday, May 3.....lesson 7.5 Bonds
Wednesday, May 4 and Thursday, May 5.....quest over 7.1 to 7.5

Friday, May 6 and Tuesday, May 10.....I'm working on having our Banker representative, Mary Ann Jordan, from Jackson County Bank, return to help you to get a feel for the paper work and money needed to purchase you house that you have found during budgeting work.


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